Alarcos Archeological Park in Ciudad Real


It is located  in the town of Ciudad Real, 8 km from downtown Ciudad Real in the top of a hill, on way N-430. It is in Spain, in the region of Castilla-La Mancha, 120 km south of Toledo on N-401 and 200 km south of Madrid.

It is an “Iberian oppidum”, with a long cultural ascription, spanning from the Bronze Age to the end of the Middle Age.
 Remains of an Iberian foritified town 3,000 years B.C.

Casas Iberas

La MurallaBarrio Ibero desde la Ermita

The wall and a Castle of the 12th century.

Castillo años 90 Vista aeréa

 The Alarcos 13th century hermitage.2015-01-22 11.44.15

FachadaAlarcos 2017 (49)
Here, there was a major battle in 1195 between the armies of King Alfonso VIII of Castile and the Emir of Seville Yusuf II; The Battle of Alarcos.